FullContact provides you two methods to call our API for company data by leveraging Lookup by Company Domain or Search by Company Name. More data is available through the Lookup by Company Domain, but if the domain is unknown, use our Search by Company Name to find the list of domains that could be related to the Company you are looking for and then call the Lookup by Company Domain with that domain to return the full information about the company.
Example Request
curl -X POST https://api.fullcontact.com/v3/company.enrich \-H "Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"domain":"fullcontact.com"}'
Example Response
{"name": "FullContact, Inc.","location": "1755 Blake Street, Suite 450, Denver, Colorado, United States","twitter": "@fullcontact","linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/fullcontact-inc-","bio": "FullContact is the ... contacts and be awesome with people.","logo": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudfront.net/stati...8ea9e4d47f5af6c","website": "https://www.fullcontact.com","founded": 2010,"employees": 350,"locale": "en","category": "Other","details": {"entity": {"name": "FullContact, Inc","founded": 2010,"employees": 350},"locales": [{"code": "en","name": "English"}],"categories": [{"code": "OTHER","name": "Other"}],"industries": [{"type": "SIC","name": "Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Other Computer Related Services","code": "737"},{"type": "NAICS","name": "Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services","code": "5182"}],"emails": [{"value": "support@fullcontact.com","label": "other"},{"value": "team@fullcontact.com","label": "sales"},{"value": "sales@fullcontact.com","label": "work"}],"phones": [{"value": "+1 (720) 475-1292","label": "other"},{"value": "+1 (888) 330-6943","label": "other"},{"value": "(303) 717-0414","label": "other"}],"profiles": {"twitter": {"username": "fullcontact","url": "https://twitter.com/fullcontact","service": "twitter","followers": 2873,"following": 120},"linkedin": {"username": "fullcontact-inc-","url": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/fullcontact-inc-","service": "linkedin"}},"locations": [{"label": "Headquarters","addressLine1": "1755 Blake Street","addressLine2": "Suite 450","city": "Denver","region": "Colorado","regionCode": "CO","postalCode": "80202","country": "United States","countryCode": "USA","formatted": "1755 Blake Street Suite 450 Denver CO 80202"}],"images": [{"url": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudfront.net/...01842912b","label": "logo"},{"url": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudfro...33e489c3aa06c3ac7","label": "other"}],"urls": [{"value": "https://www.fullcontact.com","label": "website"},{"value": "https://www.fullcontact.com/feed","label": "rss"},{"value": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnltbT0BKMo","label": "youtube"}],"keywords": ["CRM","Contact Management","Developer APIs","Information Services","Social Media"],"traffic": {"countryRank": {"global": {"rank": 40093,"name": "Global"},"us": {"rank": 15545,"name": "United States"}},"localeRank": {"in": {"rank": 29313,"name": "India"},"gb": {"rank": 18772,"name": "United Kingdom"},"us": {"rank": 15545,"name": "United States"}}},"keyPeople": [{"fullName": "Bart Lorang","title": "CEO","avatar": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cl...bf84a60c5926701b4c5033",},{"fullName": "Scott Brave","title": "CTO","avatar": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudf....49ec3bcbb401c47",}]},"dataAddOns": [{"id": "keypeople","name": "Key People","enabled": true,"applied": true,"description": "People of interest at this company","docLink": "https://fullcontact../api-next-slate/#keypeople"}],"updated": "2017-11-01"}
Retrieve information about a company by supplying the domain name. This method supports additional data over the Company Search by Name.
This endpoint supports the use of webhooks. To use webhooks, include webhookUrl
as a property inside of the Company request object. Click here to learn more about webhooks in the FullContact API.
Request Properties | |
domain string Queryable | The domain name of the company to lookup. |
webhookUrl Webhook URL Optional | An optional parameter on the request body containing a URL to an endpoint on your service that will accept a posted json response of an enrichment result. |
Response Properties | |
name string | The name of the company. |
location string | The location or address of the company. |
twitter string | The URL to the twitter profile associated with the company. |
linkedin string | The URL to the LinkedIn profile associated with the company. |
bio string | The company's bio. |
logo string | URL to the logo or image for the company. |
website string | URL to the company's website |
founded integer | The year the company was founded. |
employees integer | An approximate number of employees with the company. |
locale string | The locale of the company. |
category string | The category of the company. Possible values are Adult , Email Provider , Education , SMS , or Other . |
details.locales[n].code string | The code for each locale of the company. |
details.locales[n].name string | The displayable name for each locale of the company. |
details.categories[n].code string | The code for each category of the company. Possible calues are Adult , Email Provider , Education , SMS , or Other . |
details.categories[n].name string | The displayable name for each category of the company. |
details.industries[n].type string | The type of industry classification/code being used. Possible values are NAICS or SIC . |
details.industries[n].name string | The name for each of the industry classifications of the company. |
details.industries[n].code string | The industry code for each of the industry classifications of the company. FullContact's Company API returns the latest NAICS/SIC standard (2017) codes. |
details.emails[n].value string | An email address associated with the company. |
details.emails[n].label string | The type or label of the email address, with values such as sales , work , and other . |
details.phones[n].value string | A phone number associated with the company. |
details.phones[n].label string | The type or label of the phone number, with values such as sales , work , and other . |
details.profiles.{platform}.username string | Displayable username of the profile. |
details.profiles.{platform}.userid string | User ID associated with the profile. |
details.profiles.{platform}.url string | URL to the profile on the social platform. |
details.profiles.{platform}.bio string | Bio of the profile form the social platform. |
details.profiles.{platform}.service string | Name of the social platform. |
details.profiles.{platform}.followers integer | Number of follows of the profile, if applicable. |
details.profiles.{platform}.following integer | Number of profiles or topics the user is following, if applicable. |
details.locations[n].label string | The label for each company location. |
details.locations[n].addressLine1 string | The first address line for each location. |
details.locations[n].addressLine2 string | The second address line for each location. |
details.locations[n].city string | The city of each location. |
details.locations[n].region string | The region of each location. This is often the state or province. |
details.locations[n].regionCode string | The region code of each location. |
details.locations[n].postalCode string | The postal or ZIP code for each location. |
details.locations[n].country string | The country for each location. |
details.locations[n].countryCode string | The country code for each location. |
details.locations[n].formatted string | A single, formatted string representation of the location. |
details.images[n].url string | The URL for each photo or logo of the company. |
details.images[n].label string | The name or type of image for the company. |
details.urls[n].value string | The URL or website associated with the company. |
details.urls[n].label string | The type or name of website. |
details.keywords array | An array of keywords commonly associated with the company. |
details.traffic.countryRank.{region}.rank integer | The company's web traffic rank for the given region. |
details.traffic.countryRank.{region}.name string | The name of the region for the traffic rank. |
details.traffic.localeRank.{locale}.rank integer | The company's web traffic rank for the given locale. |
details.traffic.localeRank.{locale}.name string | The name of the locale for the traffic rank. |
Example Request
curl -X POST https://api.fullcontact.com/v3/company.search \-H "Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"companyName":"fullcontact"}'
Use this method to request more information about a specific company by name.
Request Properties | |
companyName Required | The name of the company to search for. Common words like "Inc." will be ignored. |
sort Optional | Controls how results will be sorted. There are three options:
location Optional | If supplied, only companies matching given location will be returned. The location is a general location where one can include any combination of locality, region or country as input. For example, "location": "Denver, CO" |
locality Optional | If supplied, only companies matching given locality/city will be returned. For example, "locality": "New York" or locality=Dallas |
region Optional | If supplied, only companies matching given region/state will be returned. For example, "region": "New York" or region=NY |
country Optional | If supplied, only companies matching given country will be returned. For example, "country": "United States" or "country": "US" |
Example Response
{"lookupDomain": "fullcontact.com","orgName": "FullContact Inc.","logo": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudfront.net/static/91a060eb8afdbd9c89fe23ed3a658a84_c1315c9e876cb92fee969e95c92e5fc5930d1b8f5d563d34b5e6fc4c58d8fa7e_150x150","location": {"locality": "Denver","region": {"name": "Colorado","code": "CO"},"country": {"name": "United States","code": "US"}}},{"lookupDomain": "brewster.com","orgName": "FullContact Inc.","logo": "https://d2ojpxxtu63wzl.cloudfront.net/static/d0c63e9b9d53ce25e7a3f48da3beb9d2_d66ec972fd330acf55d5b5c8ad06a787909f99fc2166363abd5b56d458ba6e1e_150x150","location": {"locality": "Denver","region": {"name": "Colorado","code": "CO"},"country": {"name": "United States","code": "US"}}}]
Response Properties | |
lookupDomain string | The domain of the company. Use this string as the input to return more information about the comapny through the Lookup by Company Domain method. |
orgName string | The name of the company. |
logo string | URL to the logo or image for the company. |
location.locality string | The locatlity of the comapny. |
location.region.name string | The name of the region. |
location.region.code string | The code of the region. |
location.country.name string | The name of the country. |
location.country.code string | The code of the country. |